Types of wood
Inlay, Marquetry
Shaping, Carving
Varnish, Finishing
Sharpening tools
Plastic & Resins
Plastic / Rubber Moulding
Other Materials
Tools, Machinery
Tools, Machines
Sharpening tools
Ornamental designs
Ornamental designs
Decoration techniques
Scientific knowledge
General physics
Musical Instruments
Design (Mus.acoustics)
Harpsichord, Spinet
Electrical, Jazz
Harp, Lyre
Mandolin, Dulcimer
Viola, Cello..
Pianola, music box
Toys |
Types and characteristics of Woods
Acoustics of wood by Voichita Bucur
Book description The book 'Acoustics of Wood' is devoted to those aspects related to the development of acoustic methods as an effective means for examining physical properties of wood through an interdisciplinary approach. The main parts of the book are: environmental acoustics, material characterization and quality assessment.
In the first part of the book a discussion of the physical phenomena associated with the propagation of acoustic waves in forests is presented. The behavior of wood and wood-based composites as materials used in architectural acoustics is also discussed. The second part was written in response to practical considerations about wood uses. This part provides an introductory understanding of basic aspects related to the theory of waves propagation in anisotropic solids, experimental methods for acoustics and mechanic characterization of wood, examination of wood anisotropy using ultrasonic parameters. In the third part wood quality assessment is discussed. Wood used for musical instruments has the most remarkable quality, with unique acoustic properties. In contrast with wood for musical instruments, free of defects, in common wood the defects are always present.
Hardcover: 400 pages.
Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition (February 10, 2006
Language: English
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Características mecánicas de los tableros contrachapados de maderas tropicales. Cuaderno nº 68 by Antonio Guindeo Casasús
Book description
: pages.
Publisher: AITIM (Asociación de Investigación Técnica de las Industrias de la Madera y el Corcho)
Language: Castellano
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Directorio de maderas. Una guía ilustrada de 100 maderas decorativas y sus usos. by Nick Gibbs
Book description Guía de 100 especies de las maderas más comunes. Cada una de ellas fotografiada a escala, remarcando sus vetas, color y corte. Información clara de los orígenes, características y usos con explicaciones de los acabados y cómo obtener los mejores resultados. Cómo resaltar sus efectos naturales y qué tipo de madera es aconsejable para las diferentes utilidades. Ideal para artesanos y profesionales de la madera, pero también para decoradores y arquitectos
: 256 pages.
Publisher: Acanto
Language: castellano
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Especies de Maderas by Antonio Guindeo Casasús
Book description
: pages.
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Guía de las Principales Maderas y de su Secado by Enrique Cigalat y Manuel Soler
Book description Esta guía aporta una amplia base de datos sobre las 200 especies de madera más usuales en la industria del mueble, de la carpintería y de la construcción, así como en la artesanía: sus nombres científicos y comerciales, sus existencias y áreas geográfica de producción forestal, las características botánicas para la identificación del árbol, la descripción morfológica de cada madera y de sus secciones de trabajo, las propiedades físico-mecánicas y resistencias ante los distintos procesos básicos industriales, comportamiento ante agentes xilófagos y consejos prácticos para su secado, usos y aplicaciones, etc. Este libro está redactado empleando expresiones técnicas al alcance de cualquier profesional del sector y es un libro de consulta y de documentación imprescindible en la biblioteca de todos los que trabajan con la madera.
: 542 pages.
Publisher: Mundi Prensa Libros S.A.
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Handbook of Materials for String Musical Instruments by Voichita Bucur
Book description This book addresses core questions about the role of materials in general and of wood in particular in the construction of string instruments used in the modern symphony orchestra – violins, violas, cellos and basses. Further attention is given to materials for classical guitars, harps, harpsichords and pianos. While some of the approaches discussed are traditional, most of them depend upon new scientific approaches to the study of the structure of materials, such as for example wood cell structure, which is visible only using modern high resolution microscopic techniques. Many examples of modern and classical instruments are examined, together with the relevance of classical techniques for the treatment of wood. Composite materials, especially designed for soundboards could be a good substitute for some traditional wood species. The body and soundboard of the instrument are of major importance for their acoustical properties, but the study also examines traditional and new wood species used for items such as bows, the instrument neck, string pegs, etc. Wood species’ properties for musical instruments and growth origins of woods used by great makers such as Antonio Stradivari are examined and compared with more recently grown woods available to current makers. The role of varnish in the appearance and acoustics of the final instrument is also discussed, since it has often been proposed as a ‘secret ingredient’ used by great makers. Aspects related to strings are commented.As well as discussing these subjects, with many illustrations from classical and contemporary instruments, the book gives attention to conservation and restoration of old instruments and the physical results of these techniques. There is also discussion of the current value of old instruments both for modern performances and as works of art having great monetary value.The book will be of interest and value to researchers, advanced students, music historians, and contemporary string instrument makers. Musicians in general, particularly those playing string instruments, will also find its revelations fascinating. It will also attract the attention of those using wood for a variety of other purposes, for its use in musical instruments uncovers many of its fundamental features.
Hardcover: 975 pages.
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Language: English
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Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites by Roger M. Rowell (Editor)
Book description The book presents comprehensive and critical concepts, as well as the future trends in wood chemistry and wood composites, by compiling contributions of international experts in the field. The volume is structured in four main parts, each of them having a variable number of chapters. ... This book is a valuable source of information on the complex subject of wood science. The volume is recommended to all scientists and engineers involved in research and to teachers, graduate and undergraduate students interested in polymer physics, polymer engineering, material science and engineering, fiber science, and chemical engineering.
Hardcover: 703 pages.
Publisher: CRC Press; 2 edition (September 6, 2012)
Language: English
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Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites by Roger M. Rowell (Editor)
Book description The book presents comprehensive and critical concepts, as well as the future trends in wood chemistry and wood composites, by compiling contributions of international experts in the field. The volume is structured in four main parts, each of them having a variable number of chapters. ... This book is a valuable source of information on the complex subject of wood science. The volume is recommended to all scientists and engineers involved in research and to teachers, graduate and undergraduate students interested in polymer physics, polymer engineering, material science and engineering, fiber science, and chemical engineering.
Hardcover: 487 pages.
Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (February 18, 2005)
Language: English
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Identifying Wood. Accurate Results with Simple Tools by R. Bruce Hoadley
Book description
Hardcover: 240 pages.
Publisher: Taunton; First edition edition
Language: English
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Manual de Clasificación de Madera by Juan I. Fdez Golfín y otros
Book description
: pages.
Publisher: AITIM (Asociación de Investigación Técnica de las Industrias de la Madera y el Corcho)
Language: Castellano
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Nondestructive Characterization and Imaging of Wood by Voichita Bucur
Book description The subject of nondestructive evaluation of wood properties has its origin in the necessity to solve practical problems. This book comprehensively reviews numerous aspects of imaging and nondestructive characterization of wood products ranging from trees to the most complex wood-based composite. The text is of particular interest to those who are concerned with the study of wood as an engineering material for fundamental research or practical application. It presents the imaging of the internal structure of wood with methods based on the propagation of electromagnetic waves, elastic waves and heat, and imaging with nuclear particle radiation based methods.
: 324 pages.
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (May 16, 2003)
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Tecnología de la madera by Santiago Vignote Peña, Isaac Martínez Rojas
Book description Interesante el tema del doblado
: 678 pages.
Publisher: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa
Language: Castellano
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Tecnología de la madera y el mueble by Wolfgang Nutsch
Book description Este libro de texto es una obra valiosa para la enseñanza en las escuelas de formación profesional, en los lugares de prácticas y también en las escuelas de maestría y técnica. Al profesional en activo le sirve también como fuente abundante de información. Es también apropiado para estudiarlo a solas y con su índice alfabético como prontuario de consulta, se pueden encontrar respuesta a las dudas técnicas.El texto es de fácil comprensión, resumido y limitado a lo esencial. Numerosas figuras, la mayor parte de ellas dibujos lineales, y tablas informativas apoyan y complementan las explicaciones teóricas. En el texto y en los dibujos se tienen presentes las normas vigentes del momento y las prescripciones principales contra accidentes en carpintería. A cada sección le siguen unas preguntas de repaso que sirven para autoexaminarse y aumentar con ello el seguimiento del estudio.
Rústica: 536 pages.
Publisher: Editorial Reverté
Language: Castellano
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The Encyclopedia of Wood by U.S. Department of Agriculture (Editor)
Book description Timber is one of our most precious, versatile, and vulnerable resources, so using it effectively is important. Knowing your material inside and out is the first step to doing just that. Read about the structure of wood itself, from growth rings to its chemical composition. Learn wood’s physical and mechanical properties, including everything from elasticity to nuclear radiation. This extensive manual includes a section on stress grading as well as thorough descriptions of which fasteners to use and when. It has information on adhesive bonding, biodeterioration, control of moisture content, preservation, fire safety, specialty treatments, and much more. The Encyclopedia of Wood is an essential resource for builders, architects, engineers, and woodworkers.
Softcover: 496 pages.
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing (April 1, 2007)
Language: English
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The Identification of the Northern European Woods by Jon Hather
Book description This book is a guide to the identification of trees and larger shrub species of Northern Europe based on anatomical characters. It provides an invaluable tool for all archaeologists and conservators interested in artefacts, structures, technology and past environments. The book includes notes on anatomy and methods of sampling and identification, an atlas of 52 identifiable taxa, and summary tables of the major diagnostic characters used in the identification of the taxa.
Hardback: 200 pages.
Publisher: Archetype Publications
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Understanding Wood. A Craftman's Guide to Wood Technology by R. Bruce Hoadley
Book description
Hardcover: pages.
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Wood and How to Dry It (Fine Woodworking) by Fine Woodworking Editors (Editor)
Book description
Paperback: 112 pages.
Publisher: Taunton (October 1, 1986)
Language: English
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Wood Handbook. Wood as an Engineering Material by Forest Products Laboratory
Book description Anybody who is serious about making things of wood - whether it be a building or a piece of furniture - should have a keen interest in how wood behaves as a material. The Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material .... does appear to be the only comprehensive source worth considering as a basic reference. Engineers, architects, and educators would appreciate having this book on their personal shelf, and builders, cabinetmakers, furniture makers, and sculptors would all find something of interest in the pages...The Wood Handbook is a significant achievement developed over a period of more than sixty years and deserves to be recognized as a preeminent reference in the field. It is brimming with useful and fascinating information for those of us interested in wood.
: 508 pages.
Publisher: Forest Products Laboratory. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Centennial Edition
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Wood Handbook. Wood as an Engineering Material by Forest Products Laboratory
Book description Anybody who is serious about making things of wood - whether it be a building or a piece of furniture - should have a keen interest in how wood behaves as a material. The Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material .... does appear to be the only comprehensive source worth considering as a basic reference. Engineers, architects, and educators would appreciate having this book on their personal shelf, and builders, cabinetmakers, furniture makers, and sculptors would all find something of interest in the pages...The Wood Handbook is a significant achievement developed over a period of more than sixty years and deserves to be recognized as a preeminent reference in the field. It is brimming with useful and fascinating information for those of us interested in wood.
: 436 pages.
Publisher: Univ Pr of the Pacific (October 2000)
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Wood Handbook. Wood as an Engineering Material by Forest Products Laboratory
Book description Anybody who is serious about making things of wood - whether it be a building or a piece of furniture - should have a keen interest in how wood behaves as a material. The Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material .... does appear to be the only comprehensive source worth considering as a basic reference. Engineers, architects, and educators would appreciate having this book on their personal shelf, and builders, cabinetmakers, furniture makers, and sculptors would all find something of interest in the pages...The Wood Handbook is a significant achievement developed over a period of more than sixty years and deserves to be recognized as a preeminent reference in the field. It is brimming with useful and fascinating information for those of us interested in wood.
Hardcover: pages.
Publisher: Algrove Publishing (2002)
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World Woods in Color by William A. Lincoln
Book description
: pages.
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